How do you calculate the yield?
The yield is calculated each month based on the algorithm used for talent’s income valuation. For example, football players are valued based on our proprietary SoccerMind algorithm, which takes into account: the footballer’s recorded salary potential income from his/her social media influence age, as well as assumes the potential talent’s income growth over the contract length. It is very important to understand that the yield is relative to the talent’s introduction valuation and pricinPopularWho is paying my yield, the talent or Royaltiz?
Since we manage the risk of the ROY yield, it is paid by Royaltiz. Therefore, you don’t need to worry about the talent refusing to pay the yield. All payments are sorted by us. A large part of the money collected during the introduction is locked on a mutualized wallet to pay the yield. The money is always available, no matter how many users.Some readersWhere exactly does the money for the yield come from?
When the ROY is introduced and sold, the vast majority of the proceeds is locked for the yield payments. As a provider, we promise to return you the yield within the minimum and maximum thresholds. Some talents will end up paying less yield than the initial ROY price, while others will pay out more, hence turning out to be profitable. How are you paying that profit, you might ask? Since we manage the risk of all talent ROYs, we are able to pay out over performing ROY yields from the proceeds ofSome readersHow long will the ROY generate the yield for?
The contracts are signed for 10 years, which means that the ROYs will generate the yield for 10 years from the introduction date.Some readersHow much time do I need to hold my ROYs to earn the yield?
It’s easy: you just need to hold a talent ROY the day of yield payment to get the monthly payment. Example: If you buy a talent ROY one day before the payment date, you get the full month of payment.Some readersIs there a minimum and maximum possible yield payment?
Yes, there is a minimum payment (called “floor”) and a maximum payment (called “cap”). The floor ensures our community receives a payment in all cases, regardless of the trajectory of the talent’s performance and, therefore, gives an intrinsic value to each ROY. Meanwhile the cap allows the company to be sustainable over time and to ensure the payment of all returns over time. On a €2.00 ROY introduction the yield range is usually between €0.05 and €0.39, but you can always refer to the talenSome readersIf I don’t collect my yield immediately, what happens to it?
The money is still waiting for you in your wallet. Even if you don’t claim it for a couple of months, the yield accumulates in your portfolio and you can claim it whenever you want.Few readersHow is the percentage yield calculated and displayed?
You will see several yield percentage figures mentioned on the website or when we communicate introductions to the users. The INITIAL yield percentages are from 2.5% to 50% and they are calculated based on the introduction price. For example, Mbuku ROY is launched at €2.00 and the yield is estimated to be between €0.05 and €1. You will also see a current max APY, which is calculated based on the CURRENT ROY price. The yield Min and Max caps stay the same, but the ROY price fluctuates based onFew readersIf I sell some of my ROY, am I still eligible to collect my yield?
If you sell your ROYs before the yield is paid out, you will not be able to claim the yield. The yield is allocated based on the possession of the ROY at the exact second of the yield being issued.Few readersIs the age of the talent an important parameter to watch?
Yes! Although we can’t establish a guaranteed correlation or advice, generally speaking, the most important thing to consider is whether the talent will outperform his/her own growth. Chances are that young talents have more to prove and significant growth is still ahead of them. However, investing in younger talents also entails unique risks, such as the uncertainty of their career growth or being less famous and having a weaker community to fall back on. At the end of the day, it’s up to you tFew readersWhy does a talent that seems to have underperformed have higher yield than other talents that seem to have performed better?
The most important thing to understand about yield calculation is that it’s always calculated in relation to the “benchmark” valuation established during the introduction. When we value the talent, we already take into account his/her performance up until now and project the growth over the next 10 years, which then becomes our “benchmark”. This essentially means that the best indicator of the upcoming yield amount is whether the talent has overperformed or underperformed himself/herself as coFew readersHow can I estimate the talent’s upcoming income and yield?
Each talent is valued based on a suitable algorithm, which you can see indicated on the talent page. You will also see value components used for the valuation method. The best way to estimate the yield is to compare the past performance of the talent’s value components and what amount of yield it translated into. Then, you need to estimate how will those value components progress over time. Do you expect a talent to have a transfer and earn a much bigger salary? Or maybe his social following isFew readersWhat is the yield of a ROY?
The Yield is the annual remuneration attached to Performance Roys that I will receive from Manse France (Royaltiz), which may be paid in monthly installments. Each Performance Roy is an agreement specific to a Talent on the platform which grants a right to receive a yield throughout the duration of this agreement (10 years maximum). This yield is calculated based on the evolution of the talent's public data and, for soccer players, income. The public data taken into account for the Yield caFew readersHow often do you pay the yield?
The yield is calculated and paid out every month, the day of the introduction anniversary date.Few readersWhat happens to the yield if talent receives income outside of the valued components?
The yield is based only on the value components outlined in each valuation method, which can be visible on each talent page. We can’t reliably predict or take into account new revenue streams that emerge after the initial contract is signed and a ROY is launched.Few readersHow do I get my yield on the website?
Go to your portfolio in order to claim your yield. Note that your portfolio is the only way to collect your yield. Then, click on the claim button in the talent line. The money goes instantaneously on your royaltiz wallet.If you’re already claimed your yield, the button appears in grey.Few readersSpecific cases
As we use public data to calculate talent's yield, specific cases - beyond our control - may occur. Case 1: the talent's Instagram account goes private, or the account temporarily no longer exists, but the talent is still active . The last known yield for the previous month is applied Case 2: the talent's Instagram account goes private, or the account temporarily no longer exists, and the talent is no longer active. The annual yield is set to the floor (minimum) This applies to talenFew readersHow can you evaluate the income of the talent?
When we introduce a talent, we choose the algorithm that will be used to evaluate talent’s income. The salary is only considered for calculating the yield of soccer players. The straightforward components, such as the recorded salary are directly counted towards the income, whereas, for instance, the income generated from the influence (social media) is assumed based on a number of social metrics and statistical models that very reliably extrapolate the income potentially earned from social mediFew readersPredicted Yield: how does it work
Each talent now falls into a category that represents its initial valuation. This category reflects the expected trajectory of the talent at the time of its valuation, as of the date of its introduction. The valuation of the talent is based on public data. Yield Predict thus helps guide you according to your investment needs. Are you more focused on short-term investments with already confirmed talents, or long-term investments in promising young talents? Here are the three categories in whichFew readers